Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Jennifer Lopez Sexy Diet Secret

The Jennifer Lopez Sexy Diet Secret

It’s difficult to find women over 40 with the same, signature, Jennifer Lopez sexy body known across the globe not only for her slender arms and frame, but curvaceous hips, thighs, butt and toned core. It’s clear that this highly paid Latina has a secret celebrity diet ripe for anyone with an investigative mind. So if you want to know what keeps Jennifer Lopez sexy, slim, slender, and strong, look no further.

"For me, looking good is all about looking healthy, and the ultimate beauty secret is about being happy in yourself." says Lopez.

Step One: The Jennifer Lopez Diet Plan

J-Lo doesn’t have to think all that much about her diet plan according to O.K magazine. While it’s a common staple of a celebrity diet to come complete with a celebrity chef, it’s not that common for stars to have their meals prepackaged and delivered right to their door step!

Services like those provided by Freshology have become a key component to the Jennifer Lopez diet which contains already made, entirely organic entrees and snacks ready to eat at her doorstep. And they don’t come cheap. The cost for a single day of meals is $50 a pop and contains only 1,200-1,400 calories which keeps Jennifer Lopez sexy enough to nail down multi-million dollar positions for projects such as American Idol and physically demanding world tours.
Step Two: The Jennifer Lopez Workout Plan

Freshology doesn’t keep Jennifer out of the gym however. She meets every day with her celebrity diet and personal fitness manager, Gunnar Peterson who says,

“We go from a push-up, to a squat, to a lunge, to a pull-up, to the StairMaster.”

The Lopez workout routine isn’t as vigorous as you might believe though.

Her exercises last between only 60 and 90 minutes and incorporates yoga, dancing, cardio (cycling, treadmill, and circuit training), and resistance training (lifting weights, body weight exercises, and resistance bands). Jennifer Lopez’s diet has two goals. The first is to burn some serious calories and melt away the fat with intensive cardio routines with a focus on moving her core. The second is a build up phase where she puts on lean, muscles that give Jennifer Lopez sexy abs and a killer behind known across the world.

Step Three: The Dukan Method

J-Lo is also known for the low stress and health conscious Dukan Method, also called the “Dukan Diet”.

The Dukan diet focuses on exercise as a key role for success, especially in tempting situations such as holidays and birthday parties. The Dukan diet is designed to stimulate the dieter’s endorphins so that they don’t need to seek the neurological pleasures food. Dr. Dukan says his theory works because,

“Quite simply, the more active you are, the less you need to limit what you eat and so the less you’ll suffer.”

There are 4 steps to the Dukan Method.

1.)  Stand up often. This works to boost calorie burning by forcing the stomach, quads, and butt to contract. By working the three largest muscle groups in your body by just standing up, you can get that Jennifer Lopez sexy and acutely toned butt.

2.)  Take the stairs. Just by walking up the stairs in your workplace you can burn an extra 6 calories without even thinking. If you decide to run when nobody is looking, then you manage to burn another 14. While I’m sure the Jennifer Lopez diet isn’t keen on the carbs, that’s one whole extra chocolate cookie you can feel less guilty about eating.

3.)  Walk more often. Walking burns 300 calories in an hour so hit the beach, walk your dog, or go for a jog so you don’t have to worry about a bite of pie or sip of soda.

4.)  Dance! Hitting the club and being active can burn you around 500 calories just from getting your groove on. With all the hotspots is Los Angeles it’s no wonder that club life has become a staple of the sexy celebrity culture.

The Dukan method used for the Jennifer Lopez diet also calls for an emphasis on low-fat alternative food sources like cottage cheese, oats, vegetables, and salad.

Regardless, whatever methods he seems to be using obviously work for Mrs. Lopez. Gorgeous and mature, yet strikingly youthful, the Jennifer Lopez diet secret works for her and it will definitely work for you!

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